When you use a home for both rental and personal use, regardless of that home’s location at the beach or in the city, you run into the tax code’s vacation home rules that make that home either a residence or…
Do you have a sideline activity that you think of as a business? From this sideline activity, are you claiming tax losses on your Form 1040? Will the IRS consider your sideline a business and allow your loss deductions? The…
Tax-advantaged retirement accounts such as IRAs are a great way to save for retirement. But when you establish a traditional IRA with a bank, a brokerage, or a trust company, you are ordinarily limited to a narrow range of investment…
After reaching age 50, you can make additional “catch-up” contributions to certain types of tax-advantaged retirement accounts. For the 2021 tax year, this opportunity is available if you’ll be age 50 or older on Friday, December 31, 2021. Specifically, with…
When the individual production activity of a partner is outside his or her capacity as a member of the partnership, the partnership has two choices: Allocate the production income to the partner, and have the partner treat the expenses as…
If you hire an employee for your Schedule C business, you can qualify for several valuable tax credits. Each credit is different, and certain limitations apply to all or most employer tax credits. Remember, like we said above, tax credits…
Obtaining a tax credit is the next best thing to paying no taxes at all. The tax code contains over 30 non-refundable tax credits for businesses. These are part of the general business tax credit and are claimed on IRS…
If you are thinking of getting married or divorced, you need to consider December 31, 2021, in your tax planning. Also, do you give money to family or friends (other than your children, who are subject to the kiddie tax)?…
When you take advantage of the tax code’s offset game, your stock market portfolio can represent a little gold mine of opportunities to reduce your 2021 income taxes. The tax code contains the basic rules for this game, and once…
Your goal should be to get the IRS to owe you money. Of course, the IRS is not likely to cut you a check for this money (although in the right circumstances, that will happen), but you’ll realize the cash…